Thursday 20 September 2012

A Gift for Hawthorn

This week we have asked Hawthorn for little twigs an branches for adorning The Autumn Equinox wreath and also to dry out and make a wand with.  My little girl very much wanted to make a square dream catcher for Hawthorn as a thank you gift.  

My little girl loves the stories behind dream catchers.  Bad dreams are caught in the dream catching web until the first rays of light that come with the birdsong and the break of day that banishes the bad dreams keeping us safe from harm.  The glittering star in the centre is a gift to the fairies that live in and around Hawthorn.

The magical bit for me was listening to my little one chattering away to the tree and watching a spider unraveling her own web by a mossy part of the tree trunk.  My little one decorated the dream catcher with fallen twigs from around the garden.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Making an Autumn Equinox Wreath

Making a Autumn Equinox wreath is a great thing to do with a child.  Many of the things that you will need can be found in your garden or local park.  We used Willow, Hawthorn, Rosemary, Fuschia, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Nasturgeon and some wool rovings to bind the wreath in place.  I had some left over pale yellow merino rovings that had been naturally dyed with Lilac Twigs a couple of Spring's ago so the circle feels very strong.  

As I asked permission from the trees (Willow & Hawthorn) to take what was needed for the wreath my little girl went off on her own magical adventures having conversations with the trees, and the bumble bees coming only to report back that Hawthorn was glad to help and was very pleased with the hand painted bird box we had gifted to it last summer.  I took delight in hearing her chattering away to the bumble bee.  And when the wreath was made she took it over to Willow and Hawthorn to see.

A New Path

Hello there.  Its been a while and it feels time to come back. This time my blogging will take on a new incarnation.  I have struggled to find time for my arts and crafts this past 2 years and the things that I make are with children.  So... I'm focusing my new adventures with crafts on the things I make with my little girl.  I want to inspire her with the love of nature and natural crafts.  And as a Pagan parent in a christian world, I want to show my little girl the ways of the old Gods & Goddesses, herb lore, folklore, the Sabbats, making things grow, kindling the magic and love of Mother Nature.  I will share my journey here.  Visitors are always welcome.  Brightest blessings x